Improving the lives of children in migration across Europe through advocacy

The Initiative for Children in Migration has developed resources which help you influence EU and national decision makers to fulfil the rights of children

Image: ©Tdh

Children in migration often experience serious violation of their rights 

Advocating for their rights across Europe is urgent and challenging. This website helps you identify what EU policies and law are relevant and what measures are under development. In a nutshell, this is a tool to support your advocacy, whether at national or European level. It aims to help bring together stakeholders from different interests or backgrounds (including child rights organisations, migration organisations, human rights organisations, youth networks, social welfare organisations).

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Initiative for Children in Migration

The Initiative for Children in Migration (ICM) is an informal collaboration between migration, asylum and child protection actors from European and national levels deeply involved in joint advocacy work around EU law and policy concerning children in migration. It counts more than 100 participating organisations and meets regularly to exchange updates, discuss opportunities for joint advocacy and develop advocacy resources.

Image: ©Tdh/Francois Struzik



Our Vision

“The rights of all children in migration are fulfilled only by putting in place a comprehensive rights-based approach which respects, protects and fulfils the rights of all children in migration, without any discrimination; adresses all their rights, and all aspects of their situation; Takes account of children in all actions, throughout policy areas and stages of policy-making;  Involves all relevant actors working together.” 

Image: ©Tdh/Francois Struzik




Looking at the key issues behind children in migration.

Always a Child

How policymakers should fulfil the rights of children in migration

Spotlight on the EU

Helping you understand how EU actions impact the lives of children in migration


Advocacy Resources

Recommendations and information on key problems

National Activities

Focus on selected advocacy initiative at national level

Child Participation

How can we include the voice of children in advocacy?

©Tdh/Olivier Batiste

