About the initiative
Who are we?
The Initiative for Children in Migration (ICM) is an informal collaboration among NGOs and IGOs who are involved in advocacy on EU law and policy impacting children in migration. It aims to bridge the gap between organisations focusing on child rights and migration organisations, and between EU and national policy debates. It currently has over 100 participating organisations across Europe.
ICM is coordinated by focal points. The focal points help to prepare meetings for the exchange of information on EU developments and updates on participants activities. They also periodically share information and receive and share information from the European Commission and the European Parliament for participants in relation to events and consultations. Currently, PICUM, Missing Children Europe and Child Circle serve as focal points.
Get involved.
Image: ©Dani Oshi
The EU can feel remote from our national policy debates on children in migration.
However, both European and national NGOs can play an important role in shaping European law and policy.
Together, a wide range of organisations can work to promote change, but we need to bring together different goals and experience.
We often have different starting points in our advocacy (e.g. the law and policy on which migrants’ rights and children’s rights organisations focus on can be different). We sometimes have different expertise (e.g. youth welfare vs. expertise on the circumstances for children abroad). We sometimes have different advocacy targets (e.g. child and social ministries vs migration ministries).
The resources from the Initiative for Children in Migration are intended to help connect European and national organisations and allow us to reinforce each other’s advocacy. The resources identify what EU policies are relevant and what measures are under development. They identify the children’s rights which are central to the issues at stake. They provide recommendations for future progress.
How to use the Initiative for Children in Migration resources